Our writers are here to create amazing papers

Our team of talented writing experts is probably the main factor that makes our service so popular among students, demonstrating the level of quality we provide.
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8.5 average quality score
99% of orders delivered on time
98 writers active

How we hire our writers

There are several skills we seek in our applicants.

First, we look for people with a good command of English. We require each applicant to successfully complete several language proficiency tests before we hire them. Second, the writer should know his or her subject very well. It’s also important that our future experts possess analytical skills, experience in academic writing, and the ability to locate the necessary source information for writing a paper. The final requirement is the ability to format a paper using the most popular formatting styles: MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard, etc.

The applicants who pass the tests mentioned above are given a final test in order to check how well and quickly they can cover a given topic. This demonstrates how well the individual can work in a real life situation under stress while completing orders in a short amount of time.

How we control the quality of your papers

A simple process helps us provide exactly the writing you need.

  1. Step 1

    The writer reads your instructions carefully.
  2. Step 2

    An editor double-checks the paper to make sure it contains no mistakes
  3. Step 3

    The writer runs plagiarism-detection software to guarantee the originality of your order.

  4. Step 4

    You can request a free revision if we didn’t meet any of your primary instructions.

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Make sure your paper is in the right hands!

We always pick a true expert in your discipline to complete your order. Here you can check how satisfied other students are with papers in various disciplines.

Statistics of Our Disciplines

Our custom writing service shows you the real statistics of how much our customers are satisfied with what they have received:


Average customer's rating: out of 10

Based on total of customer surveys

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